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2010-11 News!

Barbara was awarded this year’s Sharon D. Cosloy Undergraduate Scholarship in Biology! Congratulations!

Ana was invited to the White House to meet Michelle Obama for the launching of NSF’s Flexibility in the Workplace policy!

Ana has been busy speaking at a number of events lately. These have included a on collaboration between the US and Brazil on biodiversity studies (see photo above), at the Latin American Herpetology Congress in July, at Cornell, AMNH, Queens College, and more.

Zoe Spanos and Maria Amin both participated in the Student Conference on Conservation Science at the American Museum of Natural History. See above for pictures of them with their posters!

Eric Waltari spoke at the annual Evolution meeting this year. Zoe Spanos displayed a poster at the meeting as well.

Our lab has a new NSF Grant to study montane phylogeography in the Atlantic Rainforest!

Danielle Rivera and Maria Amin both received scholarships through CCAP, the City College Academy for Professional Preparation.

Barbara, Zoe, and Danielle have all received awards from the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)!

Ana received a SEED grant with Kyle McDonald in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Charles Vorosmarty from the Crossroads Initiative to study the use of remote sensing in climate modeling.

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City College of New York - Marshak Science Building 814

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